The Asian Banker誌からアジアNo.1のネット専業銀行として表彰されました



インターネット専業銀行のイーバンク銀行株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:松尾 泰一、以下イーバンク)は、アジア地域の銀行専門誌「The Asian Banker」が主催する「優れたリテール金融サービス表彰2006」(Excellence in Retail Financial Services Awards 2006)において、「最優秀インターネット専業銀行賞」(Best Internet-only Bank Award)を受賞いたしました。

評価に関するコメント(「The Asian Banker」プレスリリースより抜粋・仮訳)


“Japan’s eBANK has emerged as this year’s Best Internet-only bank. It not only became one of the first Internet-only banks in Japan to have turn profitable, it also overtook their stronger rival, Japan Net Bank, in terms of absolute account numbers and growth figures with a recorded increase of 46.8 percent in their accounts growth. eBANK also introduced several security features and successfully avoided some common security breaches that their peers stumble over. Above and beyond all these, eBANK offers a well-developed proposition in their business strategy that sealed their place for this award.”