Rakuten Bank is committed to working on the issues of conservation of natural resources and climate change.
Environmental Policy
We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by striving to solve environmental problems through our business activities through financial services.
Support through our Business Activities
We will support our customers in their efforts to address environmental issues by providing products, services, and information. -
Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations
We will comply with laws, regulations, and agreements related to the environment. We will also link our corporate activities to social demands to realize a sustainable society. Reduction of Environmental Impact
We will strive to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities by promoting resource conservation, switching to renewable energy, recycling, etc.-
Employee Awareness
We will strive to raise the awareness of environmental issues among all employees and encourage them to actively engage in environmental conservation activities through corporate efforts.
Initiatives for Socially Responsible Investing and Lending
1 Basic Stance
Toward realizing a sustainable environment and society, Rakuten Bank will proactively support projects that address climate change and solve social issues while reducing and avoiding negative impacts on the environment and society to the greatest extent possible. -
2 Areas for Proactive Commitment
From the perspective of positively impacting the environment and society, we will proactively engage in the following measures that can take advantage of our expertise and market strengths.- ■ Expansion of investments and loans for renewable energy through trust schemes.
- ■ Establishment and expansion of a system that provides benefits and preferential treatment to customers who convert to renewable energy.
- ■ Establishment and evolution of mechanisms that contribute to the promotion of diversity across generations and gender, etc.
3 Areas to Avoid Negative Impact
Considering the significant negative impact, we will not invest or provide loans with the specific use of funds in the following projects:coal-fired power generation, deforestation, palm oil farm development, development, manufacture or possession of inhumane weapons, and other projects that could exert a seriously negative impact on society and the environment.
Natural Resources

Paperless Operations
Rakuten Bank promotes paperless operations through various procedures such as opening an account and providing banking services by taking advantage of the characteristics of Internet banks.

Volunteer Activities Participated by Employees
In 2024, we picked up trash by employees and their families in the Arakawa Valley, one of the nation’s leading producers of marine plastic waste. In addition, we held activities to clean pine twigs around the Genko Bowl Show Space in the Matsubara area of Imazu, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City, where environmental management was difficult due to a lack of volunteers.
Climate Change

TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure)
To constantly improve our reporting related to climate change in line with stakeholders’ expectations, Rakuten Bank officially became a supporter of the international initiative TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) in March 2022. TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in response to a call to action from leaders of countries participating in the 2015 G20 meetings.
For climate change-related disclosures based on TCFD recommendations, see the TCFD Index (Japanese Only).
The environmental data indicated on TCFD index have been third-party verified.
For more details, see the ESG Date Book and the Independent Assurance Report.

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network of non-state actors (companies, local governments and NGOs) in Japan which are actively engaged in climate action and committed to strengthening communication and exchanging related strategies and solutions.
Rakuten Bank joined JCI in March 2022, pledging to stand at the forefront of society’s decarbonization as envisioned in the Paris Agreement. In support of JCI, Rakuten Bank believes that Japan can and should play a greater role in realizing a decarbonized society primarily through the expansion of renewable energies.

Casual Office Clothing
Rakuten Bank promotes casual clothing in the office to reduce the power consumption of air-conditioning equipment.

Reduction of Power Consumption of Office PCs
We reduce power consumption in the office by thoroughly shutting down the PCs and turning off the power of the display when the PC is not in use.