Rakuten Bank recognizes its responsibility to run a highly public business and is committed to operating responsibly toward the realization of a sustainable society.
Our Commitment
As a member of Rakuten Group, Rakuten Bank contributes to society and coexists with society while increasing corporate value under the mission of "Contribute to society by creating value through Innovation and Entrepreneurship."
About Rakuten Group Sustainability
TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure)
To constantly improve our reporting related to climate change in line with stakeholders’ expectations, Rakuten Bank officially became a supporter of the international initiative TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) in March 2022. TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in response to a call to action from leaders of countries participating in the 2015 G20 meetings.
Our Sustainability
Past Efforts
Building elementary schools in South East Asia
In past years, Rakuten Bank funded the building of an elementary school in Cambodia (January 2006) and in the Philippines (January 2008) through the public interest incorporated association Plan Japan. To commemorate surpassing 4 million accounts, we funded another school in the Philippines in April 2012.
Scholarship Program
We launched an endowment to support foreign exchange students studying in Japan. We will continually support the students for 4 years until graduation, focused on supporting self-funded exchange students. Through these scholarships, we hope to support the growth and development of people who can contribute to Japan and global society.
Financial education
The Bank holds financial education seminars for elementary and junior high school students.
*What is GlobalMoneyWeek?
Global Money Week is an international educational activity that started in 2012 to promote financial education and financial inclusion for children and young people. From 2020, the International Network on Financial Education (INFE), whose secretariat is located in the OECD, hosted this event.In 2022, various organizations from around the world held a seminar to promote financial education for children and young people for a week.