Our History
- January
- Establishment of Japan Electronic Settlement Planning, Inc. (capital 400 million JPY) for the purpose of establishing a bank in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
- June
- Certification based on the “revision of new business creation promotion law” by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
- October
- Established our data center.
- March
- Applied for the preliminary examination to obtain a FSA banking license.
- June
- Banking license preliminary examination ends, and corporate name is changed to eBANK Corporation.
- July
- Official launch, after obtaining banking license. (Financial Supervisory Bureau No. 3912)
- July
- Establishment of Customer Centre. (Call Centre/Business Centre)
- April
- Launch of Mobile Banking Service.
- November
- Launch of “MailMoney” email remittance service.
- July
- Launch of deposit and withdrawal service via Japan Post, issuance of eBANK nicos card.
- August
- Launch of deposit and withdrawal service via IY Bank (Present: Seven Bank, Ltd.) ATM.
- December
- Launch of IP address restriction service.
- April
- Launch of real time remittance service/real time automatic withdrawal service.
- September
- Issuance of eBANK cash card begins.
- October
- Establishment of eBANK Systems, Ltd. (Present: Rakuten Bank Systems, Ltd.)
- December
- Launch of real time “MailMoney” service.
- December
- Started providing sole proprietors accounts.
- February
- Registered with Kanto Local Finance Bureau as a financial institutions able to execute securities business. (Kanto Finance Bureau No. 609)
- February
- Started payment tie-up with Boat Race.
- March
- Recieved approval for the principal underwriting of securities. (Kanto Finance Bureau No. 609,)
- March
- Total accounts exceeded 1 million.
- August
- Launch of “toto” sports promotion lottery ticket sales online.
- October
- Establishment of eBANK Capital Management (Cayman) Ltd. (consolidated subsidiary), fully funded by our corporation.
- November
- Started providing investment trusts.
- January
- Connected directly to the National Bank data communications system.
- February
- Obtained license to be a principal member of VISA International Service Association.
- March
- Started providing special provision structured term deposits.
- April
- Started payment tie-up with Auto Race net bank voting.
- May
- Linked to multi-payment network.
- May
- Started payment tie-up with Bicycle race net bank service.
- September
- Launch of “eBANK just match”, a simplified EFT deposit verification service.
- September
- Launch of “BIG” sports promotion lottery ticket sales.
- September
- Start providing FX special provision term deposits.
- September
- Started "immediate PAT service" with JRA.
- December
- Started providing FX ordinary deposits.
- February
- Issuance of eBANK OMC card begins.
- March
- Total accounts exceeded 2 million.
- March
- Started payment tie-up with Odds Park.
- June
- Registered with Kanto Local Finance Bureau as a financial institutions able to execute futures transactions business. (Kanto Finance Bureau No. 176)
- July
- Issuance of “eBANK money card”, a cash card with debit capabilities begins.
- September
- Start providing FX term deposits.
- November
- Started providing foreign exchange margin transactions. (FX)
- September
- Received approval from the Financial Services Agency to operate guaranteed unsecured personal loans business.
- September
- Capital and business alliance with Rakuten, Inc. (Present: Rakuten Group, Inc.)
- December
- Total accounts exceeded 3 million.
- February
- Received approval for Rakuten, Inc. (Present: Rakuten Group, Inc.) to become majority shareholder of eBANK, Rakuten, Inc becomes parent company.
- February
- Consolidated the business of Tokyo Tomin Bank,Ltd Rakuten branch.
- March
- Received approval from Financial Services Agency to operate personal credit business.
- April
- Inherited part of the card loan business of Rakuten Credit, Inc. and launched personal card loan business.
- May
- Rakuten Mortgage Co., Ltd. became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rakuten Bank, Ltd.
- July
- Head office moved to Shinagawa-ku.
- July
- Issuance of “Rakuten eBANK card,” an integrated cash and credit card begins.
- March
- Launch of “eBANK Happy Program” customer loyalty program.
- May
- Change of corporate name to Rakuten Bank, Ltd.
- July
- Launch of business alliance with Rakuten Securities, Inc. to provide financial product intermediary business.
- September
- Launch of “Rakuten Bank App” that allows bank transfer as the first domestic bank.
- October
- Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Rakuten, Inc. (Present: Rakuten Group, Inc.)
- December
- Acquisition of Rakuten Mortgage Co., Ltd.'s business.
- January
- Launch of online Corporate International Remittance service.
- April
- Launch of Rakuten Bank x Rakuten Securities account linkage service Money Bridge.
- July
- 10th anniversary of our launch
- January
- Launch of Fixed and variable interest rates home loans.
- April
- Total accounts exceeded 4 million.
- January
- Transfer of domestic investment trust sales business to Rakuten Securities Inc.
- June
- Launch of International Remittance service for personal customers.
- November
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type).
- December
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥1 trillion.
- January
- Launch of number selection type lottery “Numbers”.
- April
- Received a long-term issuer rating (A-) and a short-term issuer rating (J-1) from Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.
- April
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Mortgage Loan.
- August
- Launch of Transfer by Facebook, a transfer service using Facebook.
- September
- Acquired 100% ownership of The Trans Value Trust Company, Limited.
- December
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Education Loan.
- April
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Debit Card (JCB).
- May
- Became the first Internet bank in Japan to exceed 5 million accounts.
- August
- Head office moved to Setagaya-ku, Tokyo.
- November
- Launch of number selection type lottery “LOTO”.
- March
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥100 billion.
- March
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Business Debit Card (JCB).
- July
- Started a partnership of the bank agency businesses with Rakuten Securities Inc.
- August
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Business Loan.
- August
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Sales Proceeds ATM Deposit Service / 24 Hours Deposit BOX.
- August
- Launch of “Rakuten Bank App for Business”.
- September
- Launch of Transfer by Viber, a transfer service using Viber.
- November
- Started a partnership of the bank agency businesses with Rakuten Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
- December
- Launch of “Rakuten Bank Secured Receipt Service / Rakuten Bank Just Match”.
- January
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Prepaid Card (JCB).
- March
- Launch of “Salary and Bonus Transfer Service” for corporate customers.
- March
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥200 billion.
- August
- Total accounts exceeded 6 million.
- October
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥2 trillion.
- March
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥300 billion.
- May
- Launch of “Rakuten Bank Business Support Program” for corporate customers.
- December
- Total accounts exceeded 7 million.
- February
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥400 billion.
- April
- Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Rakuten Card Co., Ltd.
- June
- Started a partnership of the bank agency businesses with Rakuten General Insurance Co., Ltd.
- June
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥3 trillion.
- June
- The number of accounts for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 1 million.
- June
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded ¥1 trillion.
- July
- Received necessary approvals to start a banking operation in Taiwan.
- October
- Started a partnership of the bank agency businesses with Rakuten Card Co., Ltd.
- October
- Total accounts exceeded 8 million.
- November
- Started a partnership with The Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd and providing account linkage service.
- December
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥500 billion.
- May
- Launch of Rakuten Bank Debit Card (MasterCard).
- June
- Total accounts exceeded 9 million.
- June
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥4 trillion.
- July
- Head office moved to Minato-ku, Tokyo.
- August
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded ¥2 trillion.
- September
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥600 billion.
- December
- Launch of reverse mortgages for the first time as an internet bank.
- December
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥5 trillion.
- January
- Total accounts exceeded 10 million.
- January
- The number of accounts for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 2 million.
- January
- RAKUTEN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK started business activities in Taiwan.
- April
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded ¥3 trillion.
- June
- Rakuten Bank Home Loan (interest rate selection type) balance exceeded ¥700 billion.
- June
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥6 trillion.
- July
- Total accounts exceeded 11 million.
- July
- 20th anniversary since launch
- December
- The number of accounts for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 3 million.
- December
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 4 trillion yen.
- December
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥7 trillion.
- January
- Total accounts exceeded 12 million.
- March
- Started a partnership with The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd. and providing account linkage service.
- April
- Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Rakuten Group, Inc.
- June
- Started a partnership of the bank agency businesses with &Do Holdings Co., Ltd.
- June
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥8 trillion.
- September
- Total accounts exceeded 13 million.
- January
- Started a partnership with The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited and providing Rakuten Bank Dai-ichi Life Branch service, a banking service for Dai-ichi Life Insurance customers.
- March
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥9 trillion.
- April
- The number of accounts for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linking service “Money Bridge” exceeded 4 million.
- April
- Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market.
- June
- Total accounts exceeded 14 million.
- July
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 5 trillion yen.
- December
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥10 trillion.
- February
- Total accounts exceeded 15 million.
- April
- The number of accounts for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linking service “Money Bridge” exceeded 5 million.
- May
- Started a partnership with The Viewcard Co., Ltd.and providing "JRE BANK" service, a banking service for JR East Group customers.
- July
- Total accounts exceeded 16 million.
- July
- Total deposits(non-consolidated) exceeded ¥11 trillion.
- October
- The total deposit for Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities account linkage service “Money Bridge” exceeded 6 trillion yen.